by Mary Eiserman | Feb 19, 2024 | Outdoor Explorations
Just about everyone likes maple syrup. Most maple syrup sold in stores comes from Sugar Maple orchards in New England and Canada, but it is possible to make syrup from other species of maples … if you have the time and patience.
There are more than 100 species of maple trees that are native to Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America, but only 14 species have sap with a high enough sugar content to make syrup production a viable undertaking.
The sugar content of sap is highest in – you guessed it! – Sugar Maples. It takes 40 gallons of sap from a Sugar Maple to make 1 gallon of syrup. Depending on the species of the other maples that can be used for syrup production, up to 80 gallons of sap may be required to make 1 gallon of syrup. A healthy maple tree can produce between 5 to 15 gallons of sap in a season, depending on the size of the tree, its species, location, age, and the weather.
The Red Maple (Acer rubrum) is the most common tree not only in Virginia, but throughout most of the eastern U.S., and its sap can be used to make maple syrup. it is a very adaptable species, with the widest tolerance for varying soil conditions of any other tree native to North American forests. It is native to every county in Virginia from the coast to the mountains. Red Maples are not generally used for commercial syrup production because their sap season is shorter than other maples. If you drive around Nelson, you can see a few trees that have already started to bud out. Once budding occurs, sap collection must be discontinued. Squirrels eat the buds, birds eat the seeds, and deer browse new sprouts. They don’t need maple syrup to enjoy the flavor!
by Susan McSwain for FoN
by Mary Eiserman | Feb 2, 2024 | Clean Energy, Environmental Impact
New Jersey enacts EPR for EV batteries (
New Jersey is the first state to make producers responsible for electric vehicle batteries and other, similar propulsion batteries. In three years, a ban on disposing of propulsion batteries in landfills [in N.J.] will come into effect. A consumer complaints and public education program is being established by the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection. Battery producers will be required to create and submit management plans to the state Department of Environmental Protection
Other states have used similar extended producer responsibility (EPR) bills to manage other kinds of batteries. Vermont did so in 2014 for single-use household batteries. In 2021, Washington D.C. enacted the U.S.’s first single-use and rechargeable battery EPR law, followed by California in 2022 and Washington state in 2023.
Banning EV batteries from landfills could help build the battery recycling industry.
by Mary Eiserman | Jan 17, 2024 | Outdoor Explorations
The natural beauty of Nelson is a major reason why people live here and visit here. Come journey with us as our nature series of articles sheds light on plants and animals that make Nelson County, Virginia such a special place.
Most people know that the Cardinal is the state bird of Virginia. It is found in much of the U.S. east of the Rockies, and it is easily identified by everyone. Since Cardinals do not migrate, they provide a splash of crimson among the grays and browns of winter. This makes them a colorful icon on Christmas cards.
One of the first known paintings depicting a Cardinal was done in 1599, and the bird was referred to as the “Virginia Nightingale.” Today, modern bird guidebooks use the name “Northern Cardinal.” Why northern? Because there is a different species of Cardinal in the southwestern U.S. and Mexico, with another species in Venezuela and Colombia.
In the mid-1700s, the Swedish botanist, Linnaeus, devised the system of taxonomy that uses Latin words (and sometimes Greek) as the scientific name assigned to every species. Want to impress your friends? Say this aloud twice: “Card-in-NAIL-is … card-in-NAIL-is.” All right! You have just pronounced this bird by its scientific name (Cardinalis cardinalis). It is really easy to say and to remember.
In 1926, Kentucky became the first state to choose the Cardinal as its state bird, calling it the “Kentucky Cardinal.” Between 1929 and 1949, four other states selected the Cardinal as their state birds – Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina, and West Virginia. In 1950, Virginia also chose the Cardinal as its state bird, and in 1963, Indiana became the seventh state to designate the Cardinal as its state bird. Of note, the most common state bird after the Cardinal is the Western Meadowlark, which has been chosen by six states.
Although male birds tend to be the singers in most species, about 12% of species in North America also feature female singers. The Cardinal is one such species. You can listen here to both a female and male singing: A Female Northern Cardinal Singing (and a male too) – YouTube
If you hear a pair of singing Cardinals, pause what you are doing and listen. It will brighten your day!
by Susan McSwain for FON
by Mary Eiserman | Jan 7, 2024 | Citizen Activism, Economy, Recycling
Deposit return systems and bottle bills contribute to higher rates of recycling.
Report: Bottle bill states recycle more, provide models (
Nine of the 10 states with the highest recycling rates have deposit return systems, and that bottle bill states also contribute a higher percentage of packaging that is recycled in the U.S.
The 10 states with the highest recycling rates, excluding fibers and flexible plastics, in 2021 were: Maine (65%); Vermont (51%); Massachusetts (48%); Iowa (45%); Oregon (45%); New York (44%); California (41%); Michigan (40%); New Jersey (39%); and Connecticut (39%).
The 10 states with the lowest recycling rates were: West Virginia (2%); Louisiana (4%); Tennessee (5%); Alaska (6%); South Carolina (6%); Mississippi (6%); Oklahoma (8%); Alabama (8%); Texas (8%); and Colorado (11%).
If you would like more fiber for thought;
Research finds recoverable fiber lost to US landfills (
Findings that a larger share of fiber is landfilled than is typically reported suggests an opportunity to increase capture. Data could serve as a wake-up call for the economic opportunity presented by increasing fiber capture rates. “Not only are we throwing away valuable resources, we are paying for it in tipping fees,” Milbrandt said.
by Mary Eiserman | Jun 30, 2023 | Board of Supervisors, Citizen Activism
Did you know that Nelson County is currently working on a new comprehensive plan that will keep the county’s long term vision in focus into the year 2042?
The comprehensive plan is a ‘road map’ document used by local government and citizens that guides decisions in the county. Important topics such as development, land use, amenities, transportation, housing, and the economy are covered. The plan outlines strategies to achieve that vision. Though it does not carry the same weight as zoning regulations or laws, it does help guide decisions to ensure consistency with the community’s vision. The Implementation Chapter in the Comp Plan states the following: “The Board of Supervisors and staff should consider the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan when preparing the annual budget. The budget works in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan to move the County towards a thriving and productive future. Communities can strengthen the link between the annual budget and Comprehensive Plan by documenting how the budget and proposed capital projects align with the Plan.”
Nelson county’s new plan is currently in the development and review phase. Once accepted by officials, the plan is a legal statement of community policy in regard to future development. The summer of 2023 offers opportunities for draft review and final revisions prior to public hearings and adoption in the fall.
Draft documents can be found and reviewed here ( ). Comments can be submitted at the same webpage, or directly to your county supervisor.
Friends of Nelson is dedicated to a future that preserves our natural heritage, protects property rights and values, and promotes a healthy, prosperous future for all citizens in Nelson County, VA.